materials workshops... great to see so many of you attending the papier mache workshop last week.
Please let us know if there are any further workshops you'd be interested in and we'll do our best to deliver them.
statements Your statements are an important part of your submission.
If you want feedback on your draft statements please bring them along to the studio so we can workshop them.
We will also be running a statement workshop in week 13 (details TBA) so you can learn from each other and refine your writing.
materials workshop
this week LATEX 9am thurs...
second and third yr submission mock ups week 13
we would like to look at your final set up to workshop your submission approach etc.
Please bring all your work (support work included) to the studio so we can 'explore the possibilities.'
This is a great way to get feedback and will refine your submission.
second years MONDAY JUNE 7 5PM
third years THURSDAY JUNE 10 5PM
Please note everything is due on this date...
art forum - William L. Fox
The Art of the Anthropocene
The Anthropocene begins in the 1790s when the burning of fossil fuels creates a global signature, a strata of residue from greenhouses gases that marked when humans became the most pervasive geomorphological force on the planet. The beginning of the epoch was also marked by the birth of Earth systems science, and the start of a concurrent evolution in the artistic representation of the planet from landscape art to land art, from making pictures of the land to using land itself and our effects on it to make art. Fox’s talk will trace the development of earth systems science from Alexander von Humboldt to Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen, who proposed the Anthropocene, and examine the synergy between artists and scientists as they study, represent, and seek to modify the environment.
Fox is the director of the Center for Art & Environment at the Nevada Museum of Art in Reno and a fellow of both the Royal Geographical Society and Explorers Club. He is the recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities and National Science Foundation. He has been a visiting scholar at the Getty Research Institute, Clark Art Institute and National Museum of Australia, and published more than a dozen books on how human cognition and landscape interact.
3rdyrsculpture week 11
11.30 friday is on. meet in the social area.
thanks to those of you who came to antoinette's show last week.
you got this last week but it's worth seeing it again...
Worth reflecting on what is required for the summary
remembering to keep the positive momentum up in the studio
The project summary will consist of a description of the
> intention and proposed outcomes of the work that you will be
> submitted for exhibition at the end of second semester. It
> will also outline the strategies you will use for the
> development of that work and your progress to date. (300 words)
> It will also contain a summary of contextual references for your
> project (300 words) and a reflection statement on your
> submission that will act as a companion to and summary of your
> journals, blogs, maquettes and other support material. (300 words).
note this summary will be considered as part of your final folio submission
crit group 3C this week
this wed is Ian day so come along in the morning with any tech issues
The final appointment sheets for this semester are up.
2ndyrsculpture week 11
Your presentations are due this week - thursday from 10-12noon.
First year area. A reminder that they are now 5 mins. Please come prepared.
from your unit outlines - Using your group/individual online site,
deliver a 5-minute presentation that documents and evaluates the development of your individual work in relation to the group activities.
Your presentation should articulate how you have reflected on the processes and experiences, as opposed to just showing the outcomes.
This presentation will demonstrate how you have:
· worked with your group
· responded through your own work and research
After the presentations we'll be having more one on one appointments.
To assist with images for your presentation there is a CD of images taken from our group activities on the noticeboard... feel free to borrow it and please return it.
PPS bad joke for the week (your weekly reward for getting to the end of this email)
What do you get if an elephant sits on your friend?
(scroll down)
a flat mate