materials workshop is on papier mache this week 9am in first year area
statements please take steps to draft up your statements and share them with each other.
your written words are an important way of communicating what your intentions are.
art forum - John Nixon will introduce Colour-Rhythm Films 2006-2008 and The Donkey’s Tail: Ad Hoc Blues (Seven Short Silver Films) 2008 that will receive their premier screening in Hobart. Nixon will discuss the films in the context of his broader ideas of art and core practice of painting. The two new abstract films are extensions from Nixon’s polychrome and silver groups of paintings. Nixon will also make a presentation of a number of real paintings as part of his discussion.
John Nixon puts forward a model of practice that is multidisciplinary involving his work as a painter, filmmaker, musician, photographer, as well as independent curator. The film screening will begin with a short excerpt of a documentary film of Nixon’s experimental music group The Donkey’s Tail playing live; then follow this with a screening of one of the abstract films; then take questions from the students; and then screen the second abstract film.
John Nixon was born in Sydney 1949 and had his first solo exhibition at Pinacotheca, Melbourne in 1973. In 1982 he was selected to represent Australia at Documenta 7, in 1999 was the winner of the Clemenger Contemporary Art Award and in 2001/02 was the recipient of an Australia Council Fellowship Award. Nixon regularly shows at Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne; Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney; Goddard de Fiddes Gallery, Perth; Sue Crockford Gallery, Auckland; Hamish McKay Gallery, Wellington and Galerie Mark Muller, Zurich. Since 2000 Nixon has held large-scale exhibitions surveying aspects of his work from 1968-2005 at the following museums and galleries: Kunstmuseum Singen, Germany; Kunstmuseum Baselland, Basle, Switzerland; Stiftung fur Konkrete Kunst, Reutlingen, Germany; Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne; the Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth; and works from 2006-2007 TarraWarra Museum of Art, Healesville.
3rdyrsculpture week 10
peter waller
11.30 this friday may 7 - social area
about magic and unknowing in art. it's speculative and experimental
and may offer an alternative way of seeing things for some.
pecha kucha grade and feedback have been distributed
mid semester review you will receive a mid semester review comments and rubric early this week.
please talk to us if you need to
once again appointment sheets... have been filling up ... thankyou
crit group 1A this week
2ndyrsculpture week 10
Whilst last week was at times uncomfortable it did allow all of us to experience a dimension of
the 'lack of control' that can sometimes accompany 'non making'. Use the momentum generated to propel your practice over the next few weeks
Please keep your 'no idea' material investigations going as they are great ways to get to know yourself and your work.
Again, it's worth looking ahead to get a feel for the final tasks and what we are looking for.
Meet in the studio at 10am to discuss you nonmaker research
Please contiue to make an effort to connect and contribute if you haven't already...
Nancy will also be floating around this week from 1-2pm to assist and to reflect on the tasks.
Colin will also be joining us again
PPS bad joke for the week (your weekly reward for getting to the end of this email)
Why do elephants paint their toenails yellow.(scroll down)
so they can hide upside down in custard